Friday, May 29, 2009

What's the Google Dance? One other thing.

search engine optimization. So if you watch your rank on the Google Toolbar, you can tell when your overall page rank has changed. There are many versions and servers that go out and crawl thousands of servers at a time, it needs time to relay and interpret this info back to the web server that Google. Everyone knows that the search engines can't "see" or "read" the graphics on our pages. We also know that we want to provide text on a page, so that the spiders will have something to move and index. The sites may sell prints, wallpaper, footage, graphics, or posters. Many internet site owners do not need to add text to those pages, because they need to highlight precisely what they are selling. Simply add a paragraph of content above the graphics, and then a paragraph or 2 of content below the graphics. The base line is : you wish to start the page with text if at all possible not graphics. Depending on the info returned from the trace the precise date and time are highlighted. With this number of information centers the probabilities for continuous indexing is good, but not guaranteed . One thing more.

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