Thursday, April 16, 2009

Real Internet business venture through RSS.

During the past, some people made plenty of money with Google adsense with the following strategy.

Adsense links were featured on the sites and were the reason behind the sites existence. Adsense links were the main, real content for these sites. Its a hideous thought but it is smart. When you use search engines, its nice now to have less pure noise on the internet, though, as it is with any medium, quality can still be a problem. Squidoo tries to be loaded in fresh internet content by giving free Internet pages ( or Lenses as they call them ) to everybody. Anybody can start a free Squidoo lens about virtually any subject that they have information about. But many of us just use these lenses to plug other business programs and some folks just like to use their lens like a blog. You may use a Squidoo lens for lots of different things limited only to your imagination. Now I am getting masses of traffic to that internet site and I make more money from my ptc sites. I also made some other lenses that you can read if you would like. You might create a lens about cooking recipies or whatever subject you may know about. And best of all, you can do this by being a selective focal point for content that lots of other folks create and they make available via article directories and through RSS ( Truly Easy Syndication. ) of course, that's what paper, mag and publishers do. Get more about Thailand. You don't have to make your own, new content to make price - but you can and will supply worth in your ability to choose and total reasonably centered materials for focused audiences that want to get more of it in one place.

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